📲Install xNFTs

Backpack, as the gatekeeper of blockchain ecosystems, has its own dApp store containing xNFTs, which are actually dApps using xNFT technology to allow you to manage it inside your wallet natively in a single interface.

How to install xNFT in Backpack?

  1. Go to xnft.gg, the app store for xNFTs

  1. Connect your Backpack wallet

  2. Choose any xNFT from the xnft.gg page and press the download button

  1. Approve transaction

If successful, such notification will appear in the lower left corner:

If not, feel free to ask devs in Backpack discord for help.

  1. Go to the applications tab in your Backpack. This is the place from where you can manage your xNFTs

  1. Click xNFT icon installed before to open it

  1. Enjoy!

XNFT.GG - xNFT app store

Uninstall xNFT

Go to xnft.gg dApp store

Click the button containing your wallet addy and select 'My xNFTs'

On xnft.gg/me page you will see your xNFTs

Click the 'Uninstall' button to uninstall selected xNFT

Approve the transaction in pop-up window

You successfully uninstalled the xNFT!

You can install it again any time if you want.

Video guide

Last updated